Zhengzhou, location: mainland China, climate: still freezing cold, (snowing even), people: not too friendly; in fact they do not have time for chit-chats and are too busy doing just about anything that they can get their grubby hands on. The streets are not safe since the traffic rules are as useless as that china survival book I have carried around since last year. And the funny thing is, you will more likely end up being ran over on a pedestrian lane than on the expressway. Hygiene: non-existent. I literally see and smell crap everywhere and they said it gets worst during the summer. If spitting was a problem in India, in Zhengzhou it's a way of life. They expectorate just about everywhere, even in restaurants and when I say restaurants, I am not talking about the dodgy ones. I am talking about the assumed fancy or shall I say 'classy' restaurants. The children, cute as they are, are made to wear these funny-looking pants with slits on their behind so that they can easily pee or take a dump just about anywhere. Believe me, my friends and I can attest to that.
Ooops! It looks like I have more bad things to say today. I will stop here before I get carried away. My attempt to make my article neutral was a failure and I will make another attempt maybe tomorrow. For now, I will leave you with a photo of a shot I took while I was scouting the area. This is proof of how Chinese people drive in Zhengzhou.
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