Tuesday, February 14, 2012

If Only

FB status on V-Day:

"my student, Sunsun, wanted to give me a sticker so he can get a kiss for Valentine's Day but he didn't have any to give other than the big heart with his name on it which he was wearing on his uniform, so he ripped the heart into two and gave me the other half...aws, so sweet --- now, who needs a boyfriend when you have students like him..."

and that was all I needed to end February 14 with a bang. Thank you, Lord God for children who never fail to remind me of Your goodness.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I Love My Family

I didn't have the fairytale childhood but I say I had the best. I didn't have the perfect family but we love each other no matter what other people assume. I love the strength of my father's silence and work ethics. I adore my mother's amazing ability to always get back on her feet and her unique mothering skills. I am proud of my brother's choices and his fearless declaration of his faith. I am blessed to have a sister who never plants hatred in her heart and who took every blow with a smile. I am Cynthia and Danny's daughter, Fort and Danna's baby sister; and I tell you now, I wouldn't change anything.